Dimensions H W D H W D Duplex 508 915 610 20 36 24 Micro 508 610 610 20 24 24 Small 610 610 610 24 24 24 Meduum 610 762 610 24 30 24 Midi 685 610 762 27 24 30 Midi-Plus 700 700 750 27 1/2 27 1/2 29 1/2 Large 685 915 762 27 36 30 Large-Plus 700 1100 750 27 1/2 43 1/4 29 1/2 Ex-Large 865 762 735 34 30 29 1/2 Jumbo 915 610 915 36 24 36 3/4 Jumbo 915 915 915 36 36 36 Jumbo 915 1220 915 36 48 36 Jumbo-Plus 915 1525 915 36 60 36 Extra Jumbo-Plus 1143 1525 915 45 60 36 Super Jumbo-Plus 1372 1525 915 54 60 36 Jumbo-Plus walk-In 1600 1525 915 63 60 36
SAMPLE CAGE CONFIGURATIONS - We do not recommend a 3 Tier System where Jumbo range cages are included, as the third row is too high for easy access; the illustration is intended only to demonstrate possible cage combinations in a variety of row lengths.
So for Fibreglass Vet Cages in the UK, please do not hesitate to contact us. The sole distributor for our products is Fearn Brothers Fibreglass Products Ltd.